Code of Conduct


Code of ethics (To check plagiarism in research)

Plagiarisms consist of use of data, words or concepts from other sources without proper acknowledgment.
It includes:

  • copying passages without acknowledgment;
  • use of the views, opinions, or insights of another person without acknowledgment;
  • paraphrasing of original sentences/words etc.
  • 1. Plagiarism of any kind is a violation of the Code of Ethics framed by Devgad College.
    2. Prior to submission of manuscript to a journal, the authors should submit three copies of the manuscript the research cell.
    3. Members of research cell along with experts in the field will scrutinize the manuscript and suggest improvements if any.
    4. Research cell recommends free online plagiarism check website for manuscripts to be submitted to journals to check for extent of plagiarism.
    5. It is anticipated that submission for publication has not already been partly or fully published, copyrighted, or submitted for publication elsewhere.
    6. It is understood that the corresponding author has obtained the consent to include the names of co-authors in the manuscript to avoid disagreement post publication in the intended journal.
    7. Content taken word for word from other sources needs to be distinguished from the manuscript to be submitted and credit should be given to the original source.
    8. Authors who wish to incorporate figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published are need to getconsent from the copyright holder.Evidence of such consent should be made available if asked by the research cell.

(Based on the Compendium of Bombay University S.439-B)
The following shall be the norms governing the code of conduct for teachers:-
(a) A teacher shall perform his academic duties and work related to examinations as assigned. No remuneration shall be payable to the teachers for internal assessment and home examinations conducted by the college.
(b) A teacher shall not discriminate against a student on political grounds or for reasons of race, religion, caste, language or sex or for other reason of an arbitrary or personal nature andshalI not incite students/teachers against other students or other teachers, colleagues or administration/Govcrning Body of the collcge and the University.
(c) A teacher shall have freedom of thought and expression. He shall not misuse the facilities or forum of the College/University.
(d) A teacher shall not refuse to carry out the academic and administrative decisions taken by the Principal/Governing Body.
(e) A teacher shall not make use of the resources and/or facilities of the Department /College/University/Governing Body for personal, commercial, political or religious purposes.
(f) A teacher shall not be partial in assessment of a student or deliberately overmark,underntark or victimize a student on any grounds.
(g) A tcacher shall nolconduc/participate in private coaching classes directly or he/she shall also not accept private tuitions.
(h) A teacher shall not indulge in or resort to, directly or indirectly, any malpractice or unfair means in teaching/examination/administration.
(i) A teacher shall not furnish incorrect information regarding his qualifications, experience, age, etc. in respect of his appointment/promotion.



1. Self-discipline is the best discipline.All students are expected to observe rules & regulations so as to ensure the smooth functioning of the college. Violation of the rules will invite disciplinary action as per the UGC regulations, University of Mumbai and other relevant rules as laid down by the statutory bodies.
2. Students should come to the college in formal and decent Attire Students are expected to avoid any form of attire or behaviour which could be considered indecent/unsuitable in the judgment of any faculty or member.
3. Students are required to display the ID cards given by the college during their stay in the Campus. The security persons in this regard will have the full authority to check the ID cards and Personal belongings. Refusal by a student to produce ID card as and when demanded shall result in disciplinary actions.
4. While in the campus, student behaviour must at no point disturb the conduct of lecture.
5. It is the responsibility of the student to read notice regularly.
6. Smoking or using tobacco in any form, Drinking and gambling in any form within the campus premises is strictly prohibited.
7. Cell phones/Mobiles phones or other such device should not be used in the class rooms/ library.
8. No society or Associations will be formed in the college as no person will be invited to address a meeting without the written permission of the administration/principal.
9. No student shall communicate or write any information regarding the college in any manner to the Press or Media without prior permission of the administration
10. 75% attendance is mandatory; Students are warned that in case this is not met then their names are liable for actions vide university circular UG/01 of 2014 and ordinance 0.6086 of University of Mumbai
11. In case of illness student must inform the teacher in charge and must produce the necessary medical certificate within 7 days.
12. Students should refrain from any type of unruly/undisciplined/indecent behaviour either inside or outside campus and be only concerned about enhancing the reputation and image of the College. Any unwelcome behaviour brought to the notice of the management will invite disciplinary action.
13. Students are NOT allowed to occupy or use Director’s room, Faculty rooms, Conference rooms or Administrative department without the explicit permission from the concerned authority.
14. Prior permission from the management/administration is required to be taken for organizing any Get together/ Function/ Party or any other event and use of college facilities.
15. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited within the premises of the college/department/classroom as well as on public transport. Any individual or group of individuals who indulge in an act or practice of ragging constitutes gross indiscipline and such individual/ groups shall be dealt with as per the ordinance. This includes individual or collective acts or practices that involve physical assault or threat or use of physical force, which violate the status, dignity, and honour of any student. Any complaints regarding ragging should be brought to the notice of the Prevention of ragging committee members. The names and the telephone numbers of the members are displayed in the Campus. 16. Sexual Harassment is an important issue in the University. In case of such issue the students are requested to contact the PREVENTION OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT committee. The names and the telephone numbers of the members are displayed in the Campus.


1. On all working days the lectures sessions are scheduled to start at or around 7.50 am as per mentioned timetable or as per Schedule determined by the teaching faculty. The specific schedule for each lecture session will be mentioned in the timetable displayed on the notice board.
2. Students are expected to be in the classrooms/ laboratories at least 5 minutes before start of a lecture/practical session.
3. No student can enter or leave the lecture/practical session while the lecture/practical session is in progress, without the permission of the concerned faculty.
4. Students must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner during a lecture/practical session so as NOT to disturb the proceedings of an ongoing session.
5. During the progress of various lecture/practical sessions all students should maintain silence in the campus premises.
6. A student is expected to attend all lecture sessions barring unforeseen circumstances. 75% attendance in mandatory for appearing in the end term examination. There will be no relaxation of this rule and the decision of the management will be final.
7. Some days are likely to be earmarked for guest lectures, debates, cultural activities, Group assignments; workshop etc. students are expected to attend all guest lectures, industry seminars, cultural functions etc. organized by the college. Unauthorized absenteeism from such program would invite disciplinary action.
8. Resorting to unfair means of any type in any evaluation process or examination is a serious offence. Any such act will attract serious punishment ranging from cancellation of the concerned examination to rustication from the college. The decision of the administration will be final in all such cases.
9. During the program, students are NOT expected to take any leave barring unforeseen circumstances that include:
10. Medical reasons for self only
11. Any emergency situations in the family.


1. Students should wear ID cards in the library.
2. Library book will be issued to the students only against the library cards.
3. Every student will be issued only 2 books at a time for a maximum period of 7 days and as per the due date stamped on a borrowed book. On Expiry of the period, if student fails to return the book (s) will have to pay fine of Rs 10/-per day for a week and Rs 25/- per day further. The amount of fine can be varied from time to time at the discretion of the director.
4. Library cards are non-transferable, meaning thereby no issue will be made to a student against the library card of any other student.
5. The library is expected to be used only for issuance/ return of the books as well as for study. Any other type of activities including Group discussions etc. will NOT be permitted inside the library premises.
6. All library books must be returned after the course or program is completed and within the due date fixed by the college from time to time. The passing certificates and mark sheets will NOT be given without the clearance and No Dues Certificate from the librarian.
7. Student should familiarize themselves with library timings and rules and regulations displayed on the notice boards from time to time.


1. Students are NOT allowed entering IT lab without ID cards.
2. Students should write their details like Name, Class, In-Out time etc in the register as and when they enter the IT lab or leave the IT lab.
3. Student should familiarize themselves with IT lab timings and rules and regulations displayed on the notice boards from time to time.
4. A student is NOT allowed to work in the IT lab when he/she has a lecture session. In case of any breach of this rule, disciplinary actions will be taken. 5. Students are NOT allowed to carry any kind of eatables, water bottles and any other belongings in the IT lab.
6. The IT lab is expected to be used only for academic purpose only. Visiting internet sites that are unethical, banned and NOT for academic purposes is strictly prohibited. Similarly chatting of any type or playing computer games is strictly prohibited, if any student is found to indulge in any such activities, it will attract disciplinary actions.


1. On happening of any specific event of indiscipline/ even calling for disciplinary action, the Director will constitute an “Enquiry Committee” comprising faculty members and /or outside experts to investigate the charges. On completion of the enquiry proceedings and based on the report of the enquiry committee the Director or any other authority assigned by him/her for this purpose may decide to impose penalty in case the charges are proved. The penalty imposed will be commensurate with the nature, seriousness an extent of the act.
2. The punishment, as a consequence of disciplinary action, could be any one or combination of the following



1. Administrative staff of the college shall discharge his/her duties efficiently and diligently and shall conform to the rules and regulations.
2. Administrative staff of the college shall not absent himself/herself from his/her duties without prior permission. In case of sickness or absence on medical ground, a medical certificate to the satisfaction of the college authorities shall be produced within a week.
3. Any staff employed in a college when involved in criminal proceedings shall inform the committee of each proceeding.
4. Administrative staff of the college should wear the Uniform provided by the Management.
5. Administrative staff of the college must always wear their identity badge during working hours.
6. Administrative staff will carry out their duties as instructed by the authorities to whom they are attached.



1. Principal should make proper coordination among various stakeholders of the college.
2. Principal should coordinate the discipline of the college. In case of the failure of the discipline, Principal can take necessary action against the responsible element as per the University act.
3. Principal should encourage faculty members for academic excellence, research work and career advancement.
4. In spite of the above, the code of conduct for faculty is also mandatory for the Principal.