IQACSSR Documents


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SSR Documents

I Curricular Aspect
1.1.3 Participation of teachers in BoS and Academic Council
1.4.1 Stakeholder feedback report
1.4.2 Stakeholder feedback report.
1.1.1 Academic Calendar
1.3.1 List of Courses offering Human Values & Professional Ethics

II Teaching, Learning & Evaluation
2.1.1 List of students from other states and countries
2.1.3 List of Students admitted from reserved categories
2.2.3 List of differently-abled students
2.3.2 Teachers using ICT
2.4.4 Letters of proof of awards, recognitions, fellowships

III Research, Innovation & Extension
3.1.2 Letters of recognition as research guides
3.1.3 Grant award letters for research projects.
3.2.2 Activity reports of departments – seminars, workshops
3.3.2 Letter of awards received by teachers
3.3.5  First pages of chapters/ papers in proceedings
3.4.2 Award letters in the field of extension activities
3.5.2 Copies of MoUs with institutions/ industry/ corporate houses

IV Infrastructure & Learning Resources
4.1.3 ICT enabled classroom
4.1.4 Budged allocation
4.2.3. E-journals, e-shodhasindhu, e-books, database
4.2.4 Average annual expenditure for purchase of books and journals
4.2.5 Ability of remote access to e-resourses of the library
4.3.2 Student computer ratio
4.3.3 Available bandwith of internet conncetion in the institute
4.3.4 The names of the e-content development facilities
4.4.1 Average expenditure incurred on maintainance of physical facilities and academic support facilities

V Student Support & Progression
5.1.1 Scholarship and Freeship
5.1.2 Institutional Scholorship

5.1.5 Community College Certificate
5.2.1 Annual reports of Placement Cell
5.2.3 Documents students qualifying state/national/international level examination.
5.3.1 Award letters and certificates regarding student achievements

VI Governance, Leadership & Management Criteria
6.2.1 Strategic Plan and deployment documents

6.2.2 Organogram
6.2.3 Implementation of E-Governance
6.3.4 Certificates Attending Professional development programs.
6.5.4 Documents regarding quality assurance Initiatives
6.1.1 Vision 2020

VII Institutional Values & Best Practices

7.1.9 Photos and videos of RCDA- Resource Centre for Differently-abled
7.1.12 Codes of Conduct and Student Attributes
7.1.13 Core Values
7.1.17 activities conducted for promotion of universal values
7.1.3 Renewable energy geotag photos