About us

Dr Vikas Balia




  • Dr. Vikas Balia is a rank holding Chartered Accountant, who worked for a while in Bombay High Court before moving to his hometown to practise at the Rajasthan High Court in Jodhpur. He is a Managing Partner of Legalsphere, a law firm based in Jodhpur, with a network of offices across India.
  • He is a noted commercial lawyer, specialising in finance related laws.
  • Vikas always had a keen mind for finance and issues involving cross-­‐disciplinary issues of law, finance,
  • economics and management. He is an adjunct faculty in many institutions and lectures for CA, Law and MBA students. Also, he recently jointly started an accounting and tax outsourcing unit with partners in New York. He is also a promoter in Mukan Consultants Pvt. Ltd, which advises individuals and corporate entities on making investments in the real estate, energy & power sector. He serves on the Board of Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company Limited (a leader in India in the distressed asset market).
  • Vikas has a Master’s degree in Mercantile Laws and his doctoral research is on Securitizations Laws.
  • Outside work and educational interests, Vikas enjoys sports. While in school and college, Vikas represented his state and university, respectively, at the national level for tennis. He set up a tennis academy, NV Sports, in Jodhpur in 2010, with his tennis partner from University, which trains about 100 children at any given point of time. He is also involved with the Satyagyan Foundation (a non profit company dedicated to women's literacy issues based in Banaras).
  • He loves country & classical music and Hindi movies. A believer in the good life of small towns, Vikas can always be counted on for a road trip.