
Examination Committee


Main job of the examination committee is to conduct internal and external examinations as per the university notifications. This committee is the backbone of the institute as it runs all the examinations, maintain the records related to the exams, assist students to fill up the exam forms, display the exam time table, publish results, award certificates and mark sheets to the students provided by the university and the college. College examination committee is headed by the chairperson and the chairperson gets the assistance of all the members of the committee. List of members of the Examination Committee are as follows:

Name Designation Mobile No. e-mail address
Mr. S. V. Kesarkar Chairperson 8698966993
Mr. V. B. Kunure Member 9423304083
Mr. P. N. Kambale Member 9175722064
Mr. S. S. Teli Member 9422919233
Miss. Y. L. Vengurlekar Member 9420755404
Mr. B. D. Teurwadkar Member 9423601502