Shikshan Vikas Mandals Vidyarthigrahak Sahakari Sanstha
Shikshan Vikas Mandal Vidyarthigrahak Sahakari Sanstha LTD Devgad is a primary consumer co-operative society which is registered on 29th May 2007. (Registration No. SDG/DGD/CON/904/2007)
897 students are members of the society. Honorable principle is the chairman of the society. There are 11 Board of Directors including 4 teachers, 2 non-teaching staff and 5 student members.
Main aim of the society is to available school stationary at reasonable rate in the college campus. Grahak Sahakari Sanstha provides all types of school stationary at 10% to 15% discount to the college students. It includes notebooks, journals, pens, pencils, Jr. college dress material etc.