


Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilizing the facilities

i) Laboratory: College has various laboratories namely the laboratories of Chemistry, Physics, Life Sciences, Environmental Science, Computer Science Department and BRT center. Daily care-taking of laboratories is entrusted to the concerned department. Departments maintain the records of utilization,recurring, and non-recurring goods. Regular maintenance and repairs beyond the warranty period is done by the local service provider. General maintenance of the laboratories is observed by the laboratory assistants and attendants. When the maintenance is beyond their capacity, the college hires local technicians. The common breakage at the end of the year is compensated by the students. Selected sensitive sophisticated equipments are protected under Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC). Calibration and other precision measures for specific instrument are done every three months. Stabilizers and UPS are provided for sensitive electronic equipments. Inverter and generator help to the availability of uninterrupted power supply.

ii) Library: The library has an elevated position in the campus. Proper maintenance of the library infrastructure is entrusted to the college-Librarian and the supporting staff. Available reading material is carefully stacked and guarded from damages. The supporting staff immediately up keeps the torn pages/books. The library also hires the services of local book binders as and when needed. The books are protected from termites by periodical use of disinfectants and anti-termites. ILMS Software SOUL 2.0 is updated regularly. As a safety measure, a fire extinguisher is made available.

iii) Sports facilities: The institute has appointed Gymnasium trainer who looks after maintenance of the available equipments. Local mechanics are hired to fix the serious damages. Stock register is maintained.The sports department uses the policy for optimum use of sports ground. The track and field is revamped for competitions and events.

iv) Computers: The operating systems and antivirus installed in the computers are regularly updated for security and recent advances. The institute has appointed a special technical staff to maintain the computer sand peripherals and to render help to the faculty and administration for various software/ hardware related difficulties. Provision of stabilizers and air conditioners disarranged for computers and some other instruments.

v) Cleanliness: Cleanliness of the campus is a major task to ensure hygiene over the premises. It is maintained by the regular and additional attendants appointed on temporary basis as per the need.As and when needed, professionals are hired for repairs of furniture, electrical appliances and electricity supply system, fixing of leakages etc. Even disinfectants and ant-termites are applied to avoid the damages.

vi) Drinking water storage tanks in the institute are periodically cleaned and chlorinated under Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC).